Integrated Human Capital

Staying Social With Your Well-Being While at Home

April 16, 2020

Has your home suddenly become your workplace? Or have you been looking for ways to stay productive while waiting to go back to work? By now you’ve probably adjusted to the idea that home is going to be a lot of places for you over the next few weeks. Now more than ever, it’s important to make sure you’re staying well both mentally and physically. These tips can help you find a work-life balance in your home and stay active and prepared to return to work.

Working From Home

If you aren’t accustomed to working from home, you may still be shifting around finding the best place to be productive. If you’ve found it, you might sometimes find yourself struggling to stay motivated. It’s important to keep the momentum going, and getting reorganized can help you regain your focus and find the best spot to set up shop in your home.

First, find a space that’s not in front of a TV or in your room. A space with the fewest distractions can help you maintain focus. Before setting up, make sure that your internet connection is strong to limit any complications during your business hours. Once you’ve set up the necessary tech, gather any supplies you might need. Pens, notepads, charging cables, etc. If you don’t already have a task calendar, now might be the right time to create one to make sure you’re not losing track of time. Creating an end-of-day checklist will hold you accountable for what you were able to accomplish as well as keep you focused on the tasks that need to be completed the following day.

Also, just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you can’t take normally scheduled breaks. Scheduling your breaks will help you step away and out of your at-home office space. It’s just as important to stand up, stretch, and move around at home as it is in the office.

Although you may feel like you’ve brought your work home (literally), don’t forget to shut down your work space at the end of the day. Supporting your mental and physical health during this time is crucial to resume normal activities when the time comes.

Staying Productive and Motivated

If you’re currently waiting to get back to work, now is the time to be productive while staying safe! Sticking to your normal routine as much as possible will help you return to your normal work schedule, and following a routine sleep schedule will help ensure you’re getting the right amount of rest to fight physical and mental fatigue.

At the beginning of each week create a to-do list for yourself. It’s a great time to brush up on some skills that will help improve and expand your expertise. YouTube is a great tool to find free and useful lessons and tutorials. Incorporating these videos in your weekly to do list can occupy your time while making sure you’re staying productive.

Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors. Whether you have a home workout routine, or simply go for a walk around the neighborhood, making it a point to get some fresh air as often as you can will benefit your health. Enjoying the outdoors has shown to help relieve stress, restore mental energy, and sharpen thinking and creativity.

Although we might be missing human interaction, connecting with family and friends via video chat can help decrease feeling of depression and anxiety, especially for older adults.

No matter your situation, it is important to remind yourself that you’re not alone. Many people across the nation are doing the best for their situation and using tips like these to ensure safety and well-being.

If you or someone you know is looking for a new career, IHC is the place for you! We’re currently hiring for temporary and permanent positions. For coronavirus resources visit the link below.



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