7 Tips for Re-Entering the Workforce

It’s a new year, and you might be considering a fresh start for 2019, including finding a new job. And you’re not alone! According to Monster “when comparing job searches by month, there was no contest,” meaning January is the busiest time of year for both job seekers and hiring managers.
If you’ve taken time off and have been out of work for any stretch of time, now is a great opportunity to consider rejoining the workforce! With a candidate driven market, there has never been a better time to dust off your resume. Even if you’ve just taken a few months off, here are some tips to help ease your way through the application and interview processes!
Tip #1
When formatting your resume, try using a different format than having your experiences listed in chronological order. According to Becky Frankiewicz, president of ManpowerGroup North America, “skills are the new currency, and we anticipate more employers will invest in training their current workforce in 2019 to do the jobs open today and tomorrow.” By highlighting your skills, you’re taking focus away from the gap in your work history. Future employers will be able to focus on your skill set and potential rather than noticing the dates on your resume at first glance.
Tip #2
Relearn your industry! Try researching free online courses or seminars to brush up on your skills or learn what’s new in your field. By taking time to invest in your skills, you’re adding more value to your resume. If you’ve noticed any certifications have expired or your field requires new ones, look into updating your certifications.
Tip #3
If you haven’t already created a LinkedIn profile, now is the perfect time to do so! LinkedIn would be a good way to reconnect with any coworkers you have worked with in the past. Connecting with old coworkers can help you get the word out that you’re rejoining the workforce and see if they know of any available positions.
Tip #4
Include any volunteer work you’ve completed during your time out of the workforce. Adding any volunteer work can serve as a talking point in an interview and show involvement in your community.
Tip #5
If you took time off of work to become a caregiver for a family member or close friend, including your absence in a cover letter might be a good way to ease into an interview and help focus more on the skills and experience you have.
Tip #6
Be open to new possibilities. To ease your way into the the workforce, try a temporary position. A temporary position can help you bridge any gaps in your work history until your next full-time job.
Tip #7
Consider using a staffing agency. Going to a staffing agency is a great way to reacquaint yourself with the the job pool, and recruiters can assist you in finding the best job for you. Staffing agencies can also help aid in formatting your resume to the best of their abilities and help you market your skills to their clients.
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