Answering Tough Interview Questions: What makes you a great fit for this position?

You’ve made it through majority of the interview process and you’re feeling pretty confident in your answers thus far and then wrapping up the interview, you are asked, “What makes you a great for this position?”. You freeze. You know you are qualified for the job, so why is this such a hard question to answer?
Here are a few tips to help you answer this very common interview question:
Avoid talking about general workplace traits that every employee should have. For example, “I’m a hard worker and reliable”. It’s already assumed you should be a hard worker and reliable. You need a response that shows the hiring manager that you are the very best person for this job. This is your opportunity to really highlight how you will be a great fit.
Step 1: Brainstorm.
Before arriving to your interview, take a copy of the job description and your resume and really review how you are qualified, what experience relates to this position, what key skills are they looking for and what skills do you offer to this employer. Jot down a few ideas and key words that are tailored to the job.
Step 2: Create a sales pitch.
Next, create a sales pitch that aligns your strengths and skills to the position. Mention that you had the opportunity to research the company or job description.
For example, “When I read the job posting I noticed that you specifically mentioned you were looking for someone with ________”
Your sales pitch should highlight areas your resume doesn’t mention, like a previous accomplishment or a specific project you worked with that relates to the skills needed.
For example, “During my time working as ______, I had the opportunity to work on______. This helped me realize my true passion for_______.”
Remember, your goal is to sell yourself to the interviewer and convince them that you can make a positive contribution to the team.
Step 3: Practice.
Write out and practice answers ahead of time for common interview questions like these, as well as other questions you can reasonably anticipate. Try not to memorize a script but just practice the points you want to make.
Remember, this question is truly about highlighting the skills needed for this position and showing the recruiter that you are confident you are the best person for the job.